Your Complete Well-Being
Dive Deeper Below the Surface
Health & Healing
Deep healing is possible.
Soul Detective
You can clear the origins of emotional, mental and spiritual disturbances.
Helping You Achieve Success
Complete Well-being
Good health and success in life (true abundance in the broadest sense) often come as a result of releasing that which blocks our knowing and acceptance. This release occurs in both our conscious and unconscious selves. As Dr. David Hawkins and Dr. Candace Pert famously asserted, “We are subject only to that which we hold in mind.” This is a truth of immense power, and helps us realize the value of this protocol.
The foundational principles of this protocol have played a role in the deep healing for thousands, and is easy to understand. Once we fully grasp this truth, as we train our minds and thoughts to focus only on that which elevates our self-worth, limitations gradually fade away.
(Note: This protocol is not a medical intervention and is not intended to replace competent professional medical diagnosis or treatment.)
Holds You Accountable
Coaching Offers Unbiased Feedback and Support
Assists with Goal Setting
Coaching Provides Clarity and Direction
Soul Detective
The Soul Detective Method to solving road blocks to our growth uses tools from the new field of Energy Psychology to find and clear the origins of emotional, mental and spiritual disturbances.
Exhaustive research and advanced clinical practice of these techniques now allow us to address and clear significant blocks we could never before identify or move beyond.
One example of the success of this work is found in the experience of our young male client who needed our assistance in uncovering the root cause of several years of frustrating blocks in his close relationships, his career and his search for a nice home. Using the tools of Soul Detective work, we uncovered a significant energetic block between him and his father and several other family members. After a 90-minute session he said he felt a “heavy weight” lift from his shoulders. On his way home he received a call confirming a job offer he had hoped for and had given up on. Opportunities began to flow to him and continue now.
We can use these tools effectively where applicable as powerful additions to our coaching practice to assist clients in achieving their most important goals and dreams.

Often, when we are stuck in a negative frame of mind, our thinking gets into a negative circular loop, increasing our level of anxiety and stress. This guarantees that our creativity and perspective escape us, and our mood deteriorates further.
Stress and anxiety are internally created. As Einstein once said, “The significant problems we have cannot be resolved from the same level of thinking that created them in the first place.” We need to “get out of our head” and often the only way to do that is with someone who can give us good feedback and help us gain introspection and let go of our reactive triggered emotions.
It is perfectly possible, even likely, that what causes you stress and anxiety is a very real and distressing issue. Almost everyone is struck with adversity occasionally, and sometimes life really “piles it on”. During such times, strong self-control to minimize anxiety or stress is of even greater importance, wouldn’t you agree? During a real crisis, we need every bit of our creativity as well as our decision-making and analytical skills to act intelligently and decisively.
Sound & Color Healing
We are all made of sound and color…
Have you ever wondered why you can be so moved to tears, or experience feelings of happiness while listening to a certain piece of music? Or wondered why you can be cheered up or depressed by the introduction of certain colors in your environment or on your body? Both sound and color have the power to alter not only our moods, but also to re-arrange the molecular structure of the cells that make up our bodies.
Every day of our lives we are enveloped by sound and color. Every sound has its own color and every color its own sound. Through knowledge passed down from many ancient civilizations we have come to know that these are the substance of all the molecules, the true building blocks of each and every person’s DNA.
Each individual has a vibrational pattern that is distinctly their own.
There is a range of sounds in our world through which it is possible to discover one’s own. These include vocal chant, healing instruments from ancient cultures, musical instruments and compositions. Sounds from nature are also extraordinarily powerful.
The vibrations of sound and color can change the energy of a person who is ill into the energy of a person who is well.