We have in the last few years seen a spike in societal and workplace divisiveness. Polarization in politics and low workforce engagement in our largest business organizations are on the increase. There are even some who try to convince us that creating a fear-based, divisive environment actually promotes growth and accomplishment. “Scare the daylights out of them and they’ll work their tails off for you”, is how the argument is presented.

It might surprise you, but there are instances where this approach does produce some benefits in the short run. Over a longer time-frame however, creating a fearful, bullying, arrogant and threatening organizational culture is a recipe for poor performance, poor employee engagement and poorer profitability.

According to Forbes, organizations with strongly positive cultures experience 33% lower healthcare costs, 25% lower employee absenteeism, 50% fewer workplace accidents, 15% higher profitability and for publicly-traded companies, 50% higher share prices.

In Jim Collins book, Good to Great, the truly great companies with exceptionally positive cultures enjoy profitability that is 300% to 400% greater than organizations characterized by threatening, divisive, belittling, high-pressure leadership.

Great companies attract loyal, uplifting, motivating, positive, truthful and caring people to work for them and to lead them. In every corner of society, inspiring, engaging, truthful leaders produce powerful results and move both public and private enterprise forward for the benefit of all. Divisive, threatening, fear-based leaders create stagnation and chaos.

Next week we vote for political candidates for a variety of important local, state and national offices. Please vote and look deeply into all candidates’ performance and qualifications, regardless of party affiliation, and think whether they have supported issues important to you or not. Have they worked with other officeholders to push forward ideas critical to the well-being of everyone? Are they forward thinking, growth-oriented leaders, or are they disruptive and acrimonious?

2019 will be here before we know it, and our public welfare hangs in the balance. Be sure to vote!


Tom Searcy BCC

Professional Coach

Spirit of Eagles


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