A little over a week ago, my brother, David Sutton challenged me on Facebook to share three positives each day for seven days, and then to invite three friends each day to do the same. It was a positivity Ponzi scheme! I accepted the challenge and here was my first post.

#1 I’m grateful for the healers and teachers in my life. Had an incredible session today and am feeling great! (Is that one or two positives?)

#2 I’m married to a kind, sweet man, Thomas Searcy who loves me and our family.

#3 I wake up every morning in a comfortable warm bed, a safe home and food waiting in the cupboards and refrigerator.

What an interesting experience to review the day and identify three significant positives each day.  Let’s look at #1: 

Almost every day, when giving thanks and reviewing the blessings in life, I ask for a blessing on all of the wonderful healers and teachers who have supported my spiritual growth and spiritual work with so many of us deeping our relationship with the Divine and opening to our path.  These people share their time and talent with the rest of us to further our journey.  The best healers and teachers do so with non-attachment, deep love and humility.  So many have made a lasting impact on the gifts that I am now able to share.  Thank you all.  Check back tomorrow when we’ll look at positive #2.

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