FEAR: Alarm or a strong unpleasant negative emotion caused by anticipation, perception, or awareness of a dangerous or detrimental experience.

There is nothing new about our being reminded that FEAR itself is a far greater problem than all the potentially dangerous or detrimental experiences we face put together.

FEAR greatly impairs our immune function, our cognitive abilities, our creativity, and our happiness.  FEAR foments anger, judgment, resentment, jealousy, short tempers, emotional fatigue, suspicion, and unfriendly behaviors.  Let’s remember, all of this happens in our head, whether anything takes place out in the world. 

Right now, the FEAR surrounding a resurgence of COVID-19 and the new “Variant D” are creating far more problems than the disease itself.  It is this fear that makes many people more susceptible to the virus than would otherwise be the case.  Employees are stressed out, burned out, fatigued, and frustrated all over again because of all the reports of new COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths.

Level-headed health experts, confirm to us that if we are physically and emotionally healthy, the chances are about 90% we won’t have severe  or mild reactions to the disease.  If you happen to be healthy and under 60 years of age, your chances are even better of escaping any problems with COVID-19.  Only the elderly with compromised health conditions, people with heart, lung and diabetes are at high risk of having severe problems with COVID-19.

If you are taking prescription drugs, especially anti-anxiety or anti-depressant drugs, your emotional state makes you more susceptible to disease as well.

Many of the best doctors in the world tell us if you are regularly dosing up on larger than normal amounts of Vitamin D3, Vitamin C, Zinc, and a good multi-vitamin, your defenses against this, or any disease, jump dramatically higher.

If you maintain a positive attitude, eliminating worry and self-doubt, your defense against sickness ratchets higher still.  Take several short breaks every day letting go of worries you are holding, while expressing gratitude for all the blessings in your life. Stop…yes totally stop… reading, listening to, or watching news programs, social media posts or anything else that raises your hackles.  Are you aware that most of this media presence is designed to upset you, juice your emotions, cause you to question yourself and destroy your peace of mind?

Play games with family and friends, watch comedies, laugh, hang around positive people, sing, dance, exercise.  Maintain and expand your groups of friends. All of this strengthens your immune system.

Remember, any time you encounter negative, fear inducing or upsetting information, the sources behind that “news “ are attempting to frighten you, disempower you, cause you to doubt yourself.

The more balanced you remain, the healthier, more creative, the happier you’ll be.  Your creativity and productivity will increase.  You will also be in a much better position to help your friends, colleagues, and family weather the unsettling times of present.

We can coach you through this rough patch, and our online course, 5 Steps to Elevate Your Career and Professional Success can support you in navigating both your career and your personal life.  Click <here> to enroll in the course or call us to discuss any questions you have.

Tom Searcy, Board Certified Coach

www.OneSingleDiscovery.com 574-850-9912

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