We’ve previously blogged about happiness and personal empowerment. Let’s dig into how we become truly happy and empowered people in 2023.

We talked last time about the confusion that exists about what truly makes us happy. We said that “connecting”, with oneself (knowing ourselves, our values and goals), with others (family, friends, colleagues), with work and activities, with nature, with Spirit, was a real key to enduring, unshakeable happiness.

Over the last fifty years, psychologist and sociologists have been warning us about our increasing isolation from one another and the danger this poses. Being isolated is a primary cause of anxiety and depression that is so damaging and ultimately deadly to those in our society. It is connecting that counters these challenges.

Even though these multiple “connections” are needed for us to grow into a truly happy, empowered person, an important first step that significantly increases our level of happiness is receiving regular, frank, kind, accurate, feedback.

From feedback we learn so much about ourselves…do we have body odor or bad breath? How do others respond to our personality, our jokes, our opinions, and our behaviors? What are our standout skills and abilities, and what are our weaknesses? We learn which people we like to be around, and activities we like. There are countless examples of what we learn from the feedback of others and life itself. All of this helps us change more rapidly for our greater good.

Perhaps you have a trusted family member, colleague, a good friend with excellent judgment and in whom you can confide. If not, engaging a good life coach might be even better. A life coach will have the tools, the training, and the perspective to help Identify strengths to exploit and blind spots to correct as you build your self-awareness skills and become a happier person.
To give you an idea of how much society values these concepts of “connecting”, and “Know Yourself”, there are over 2,400 assessments and self-assessment tools in the self-improvement marketplace, all with the intent of helping us measure our inner workings and helps us to know what makes us tick.

It may be that you won’t find that ideal person to give you the helpful feedback you want, or you won’t find them quickly. Don’t let that dissuade you. Each one of the steps we’ll outline, by itself can help you realize behavioral and emotional shifts that can dramatically move you forward toward becoming a happier person.

Stay with us.
Tom Searcy

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