What if you and your family, all your close friends, your colleagues at work, your congregation at church, everyone you socialized with were fully contented with life.  To describe them more completely, what if they were always satisfied, appreciative, grateful, kind,  joyful and fully in harmony with life. 

We would live in such peace with everyone wanting to be helpful to one another, supporting one another, laughing with one another.  Productivity at work would skyrocket with everyone striving to do their best for and with one another.  Just think about the joy experienced in interacting with one another, whether in play, at work or in worship.  Just imagine a family enjoying such harmony with all family members all year round.  Shangri la, yes?

There would be so little anger, frustration, resentment, jealousy, stress, anxiety, illness, fear, fights, and rage.

As I write this, and as most of you reading it, we recognize this is a “pipe dream.”  Yet for each of us, could we possibly make this a reality in our relationship with our spouse, our children, a co-worker, a friend?  Could each of us focus  on suspending our judgment of them, letting go of our frustration with their annoying habits, accepting that they are doing the very best they can in life at this moment?  Could we see them in the light of their most attractive and positive traits and behaviors?

This is the time of year when we sing of “Good Will Toward Men”.  Why not make the effort this Holiday Season to make this a reality?  If we can find ourselves even “mostly” successful with this intention, then couldn’t we extend our benevolent attitude on into the new year?

I wish all of you a joyous Holiday Season, and may you find in all your travels and holiday gatherings that your friends, families and colleagues extend to you the “Good Will” that makes this year the best ever!

Glad Tidings!

Tom Searcy, Board Certified Coach



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