We are now in the last few months of 2019, and soon we will be seeing Christmas decorations and hearing Christmas carols in stores.  While ringing cash registers are what make store owners jolly over the Holiday Season, for the vast majority of us, Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays are a mixed bag at best.  The messages of the season extol joy, peace and celebration, yet the truth often conveys a more “Grinch-like” reality.

Accompanying the Holiday Season are the commercialism and overspending, over-burdened schedules and preparation for and attending of Christmas parties.  The cold and dark of the winter season is depressing for some, and endlessly repeating Christmas music annoying to others.  Family Christmas gatherings are events to be survived for many rather than celebrated. 

Of those reading this, who hasn’t experienced the family members refusing to attend because they are mad at someone, the perpetual complainer who expresses their dislike for the whole family gathering ordeal, the family member who demands that dinner be served at a certain time to accommodate their schedule, and the inevitable letdown of the family “gift exchange”.  And let’s not forget the pandemonium of kids opening gifts from Santa, wailing “Is that all I got?” Ungrateful buggers.

Is it any wonder that stress, depression, anxiety and suicide all spike during the holidays?  Ho, Ho, Ho, and a Merry Christmas to all.

This year why not treat yourself to the best solution to the holiday blues you’ve ever experienced.  Right now is the perfect time to discover how our online course, “4 Steps to a Happier & Healthier You” can transform this festive season into something truly festive from this time forward.  The below flyer describes an experience that is tailor-made for bringing joy and thanksgiving to your life.  You will be well-prepared for a truly joyful season with this transforming knowledge at your fingertips.

It isn’t commonly known, but Clarence, Angel 2nd class, used our course tools to transform George Bailey’s experience in the 1946 Classic movie, It’s a Wonderful Life. 

A single discovery can change everything for you.  

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