Several studies published in the last decade provide interesting information about first impressions. These studies were conducted in countries from around the world, so please consider that cultural differences from country to country may impact the study results.

I have summarized the conclusions these reports make about behaviors you can easily adopt to elicit the most favorable first impressions for your greatest advantage. They are easy to practice, effectively influence how others see you, and have no drawbacks that I can discern.

According to the studies, these simple behavioral traits will positively impact how others judge you from a standpoint of favorable dominance, intelligence, trustworthiness, social status, success and confidence. This is pretty exciting news and important, because several of these perceived characteristics, once formed, are very difficult to change. People will judge your trustworthiness in one tenth of a second after meeting you, and that impression is unlikely to change.

We better get this right the first time, because there often won’t be any second chances…

  • Have an open, confident stance (body erect, legs slightly apart and weight balanced).
  • Have a facial expression that is open and friendly. You are optimistic, assured, slightly reserved, with a positive expectant look. Again, appear confident.
  • Make and keep eye contact for however long your conversation lasts. The longer your new acquaintance looks at you with your having favorable eye contact, a confident stance and good facial expression, the more positive their reaction is likely to be.
  • Speak in a full resonant voice from the diaphragm.
  • In many cultures, appropriate, attractive and conservative dress speaks volumes.

That’s it. It’s pretty simple. Review this list whenever you are meeting someone new whom you wish to impress favorably.

If you would like to explore other “body language” tips, please contact us.

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