Today we have a health crisis, COVID-19, and it requires our full attention for our safety and that of our family, friends and community.  Yet, this crisis will be resolved relatively soon, probably within months, and our lives will return to normal.  Ebola, SARS and other serious diseases challenged us, and we responded, conquered and went on.  We humans do that.

This blog article is about showing you that after this crisis has subsided, our normal can be a spectacular “New Normal”.

Joe Dispenza, PhD, highly respected researcher, author and educator recently released the results of a study that doesn’t surprise us, but surely adds emphasis to our constant message that we are so magnificent and powerful and don’t realize it.  Yet!  We suggest that developing self-awareness can open a new chapter in your life. 

Joe Dispenza gathered 120 people together for this study, first giving them all medical evaluations.  He then guided them in 10 minute exercises, three times a day for only four days, to specifically let go of all resentments, anger, frustration and fear, and instead to open their hearts, and focus instead on gratitude, appreciation and thankfulness for all the good they experienced in their lives. 

After four days, the participants were evaluated medically again.  In just four days these 120 participants found that their  immune function had risen by 50%. (of course there were minor variations in improved immune function from person to person.)

Specifically, their gene response to anti-cancer and anti-tumor protection increased, stem cell production increased, protection against oxidative stress increased, regeneration of neurons increased, regenerative repair to the pancreas and pituitary glands increased, protection against stroke increased, protection against aging and heart disease increased.  All of these significant health benefits were measurable and significantly increased!

Why do we relate this study to self-awareness growth?  People with demonstrably high levels of self-awareness all display in their every-day behaviors, optimism, gratitude, caring and appreciation for others, understanding, helpfulness and wisdom.  Their attitudes, words and actions are inspiring and motivating to others.  They are truthful and trustworthy.

Those attitudes and behaviors reap benefits.  Yes, they are healthier, and more influential, more financially stable, better problem-solvers and decision-makers, they naturally lead simply because of their presence.  They are certainly more successful and personally fulfilled than their less self-aware counterparts. 

Self-awareness can be learned through training and practice, and once people get on this track toward high self-awareness, their self-awareness tends to continually improve throughout their lives.  People with high self-awareness are more aware of the weaknesses and are motivated to eliminate all that holds them back in life.

The publishing of this study, and many other similar studies like it, keep adding to the powerful evidence that self-awareness a key to our individual happiness and to a more rapid advancement in human development.

If you are ready to take that step now for a happier healthier you, click the button below.  Or contact us for more information about how self-awareness training can specifically benefit you.

Tom Searcy, BCC

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