We are certainly in fast-changing times.  We humans don’t handle rapid change very well even when the change is generally positive.  When change is exacerbated by some scary event or conflict, the Iraq War after 9/11, or a sickness spreading unabated across the world for instance, we really lose our emotional footing.

Right now there is plenty of conflicting information swirling around that make the problem worse.  Who caused this and where did it come from?  When will it end?  When will our lives return to  normal?  Will this situation kill me or cause financial disaster?  It seems there are forces in our country within the government, the medical establishment, and the media that purposely “twist” what is factual and what isn’t, making matters worse.

We would like to give you some tools that can help you feel better, safer and more “in control” of the current situation.  Better yet, these are tools that work in virtually any environment, whether life is moving along smoothly for you, or you find yourself in upsetting or unstable circumstances. 

It’s time for our disclaimer.  These suggestions have been tested repeatedly over time in many circumstances.  You can easily research each of these suggestions for confirmation of their effectiveness.  AND it is guaranteed that NONE of these suggestions work for everyone, all the time.  Use your own judgment and brain power and seek professional medical advice, especially if you have medical problems.


  • First and most important.  STAY POSITIVE!  Let go of all fear, negative thoughts and expectations, and focus on all for which you are thankful, appreciative and grateful.  Sit down and do this exercise at least three times daily for 10 to 15 minutes:  Let go of all frustrations, anger, negative thinking for 5 minutes.  Then focus on what you are grateful and thankful for (10 things if possible), for 10 minutes. 

This exercise has proven repeatedly to increase immune function (and resistance to disease), increase a personal sense of well-being and happiness, reduce anxiety and stress, help you improve your thinking and creativity, build more positive relationships.  POWERFUL!

  • Drink plenty of good quality, filtered water.  60-80 oz. per day if you are an adult.  Our bodies are 60% water, and poor foods, prescription drugs, environmental chemicals, smoking, alcohol, too much coffee all degrade the quality of water in our trillions of cells.  Bad water leads to compromised health over time.
  • Nutritional Supplements   Nutritional professionals observe that even people who maintain excellent diets (and how many of us really follow a strict, nutritious, balanced diet) often suffer from vitamin deficiency because of the deteriorating quality of our food. This is especially true when we catch a cold or minor bug…or something more serious, and need far more nutrients to fight the infection or condition.  We are facing a serious health challenge now, so the following list of vitamins and nutrients are much more important to us now.  Look to buy the highest quality supplements possible.  “Cheap” cost  often means “poor quality”.

The attachment, published as a guideline by  Dr. Todd Ovokaitys, a physician specializing in nutritional health and research has provided a comprehensive  list of nutritional supplements to be taking for optimal health, especially when severe  illness is prevalent.

Here are a couple of suggestions that Dr. Ovokaitys did not include in this list that you may find helpful:

  • Co Enzyme Q 10 (Ubiquinol)  Mitochondria  in every cell are responsible for  the efficient processing of food and oxygen into energy for both cellular repair and growth, as well as everyday energy needs.  Science has proven that pollutants, drugs, poor diet, and electromagnetic and radio wave radiation negatively impact the functioning of mitochondria, possibly responsible in part for the increase in heart disease, diabetes and various cancers is the past few decades.

Co-EnzymeQ10  feeds the mitochondria and is necessary in plentiful levels for the maximum functioning of mitochondria in cellular metabolism, especially for the heavy energy requirements of the heart.  200mg daily is normally sufficient as preventative, and the body tolerates with no problem much higher intake of the nutrient.  As in all cases of severe disease or sensitivity, consult your physician regarding this nutrient.  Co Enzyme Q10 is readily available from many sources, including the internet. Dr. Ovokaitys creates and markets a very reasonably priced product named ReCharge that combines high quality Co Enzyme Q10 with other nutrients to enhance mitochondrial function with excellent results.  Dr. Ovokaitys’ company is Gematria Nutritionals.  His website is Gematria.com.

  • Dr. Ovokaitys also recommends a nutrient called  N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) which has proven effective in reducing the symptoms and reducing the duration of respiratory infections (see the attachment by Dr. Ovokaitys)  He created and markets a product  through Gematria Nutritionals called Air-CAPS containing this nutrient.  You can research this product on his website Gematria .com

As a reminder, our INTENTION to remain positive and remain healthy, while at the same time refusing to fall in the negative thinking (blaming, anger judgmentalism, jealousy, resentment, etc.) is perhaps your strongest defense against illness and poor health.  We will get past our current health scare, but throughout our long history on this planet, periodic scary…and deadly diseases visit us.  The list of healthful options will strongly support your INTENT to stay Healthy, Wealthy and Happy.

Tom Searcy BCC

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