For most businesses in the United States 2020 was a terrible year. COVID-19 closed many businesses permanently and many others will cope with a new business model they don’t recognize. What “full recovery” from the pandemic will look like is anyone’s guess.

Last year took a significant emotional toll on us as well. According to a recent survey by Spring Health, 76% of American employees tell us they are burned out, despite American business spending $192 billion annually to reverse this trend specifically (Harvard Business Review.)

The 2020 nightmare caps twenty years of declining happiness measures in America…falling employee engagement, falling productivity, and falling national employment.

We write these blogs and offer coaching and on-line courses – building self-awareness – to restore the optimism, the confidence, and the happiness that is historically such a strong component are the American culture. We may have lost our “mojo” temporarily, but we can get it back.

Whether we coach individually, in groups, or through participation in our on-line courses, we are reversing course. Highly self-aware people enjoy…

Solid relationships
Greater happiness
Financial affluence
Little or no stress
Are influential
High optimism
A good sense of humor
Solid communication skills
Excellent health
High level self-confidence

Stop for a moment and consider how your life would change if you woke every morning, looked in the mirror and saw the person with all of these traits staring back at you. You see others every day who enjoy these traits, but you may not realize it. These are the people in your community who are admired, surrounded by great friends, and leading at their work, home and in the community. They are affluent, approachable, always smiling and laughing.

This can be you as well, for most of us can learn the secrets that turn us into highly effective and self-aware people. Best of all, your success naturally rubs off on others, so when you get better, everyone in your orbit gets better too!

Visit and begin you journey toward happiness and success.

Tom Searcy BBC

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