In a recent article we discussed the critical importance of creativity in our lives.  If we weren’t creative as a race, we’d still be dressed in loin cloths hunting squirrels with pointy sticks.

I remember the story about Henry Ford’s passion to build an eight-cylinder engine for his cars.  At the time nobody could figure out how to cast an eight-cylinder engine in a single block.  Car manufacturers had up to that time bolted two four-cylinder blocks together resulting in totally unsatisfactory performance and reliability.

Henry Ford gave the task to his engineers to solve the problem.  Weekly Ford would walk down to the engineering department to review progress.  For months there was no progress even though that was the single task upon which the entire department focused.  Ford, undeterred and filled with optimism, would encourage his employees, “That’s OK boys.  Keep at it.  I know you will get me the solution!”

And then, one day not much later, the answer just appeared.  Out of nowhere the solution came.

Here is a partial list that countless people have used to spark their creativity:

  • Read books about your subject and books that you enjoy and that relax you.
  • Ask questions of people on related topics.
  • Brainstorm about what others have done, what you have done, ideas you discarded earlier in the process.
  • Do creative activities you like, such as playing games, playing music, watching movies, pursuing a hobby, drawing.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Stay positive and happy about life and about your creative project.
  • At night as you go to bed intend receiving answers and ideas while you sleep.

These activities have regularly sparked ideas leading to tremendous success over time. One fairly recent discovery has proven to “supercharge” the creative process.  Whatever the desired goal or outcome, be sure to let go of expected outcomes.  Treat the creative project as an adventure, a game, a puzzle.  Think of it as an intriguing journey that is thoroughly enjoyable regardless of any result.  Keep working on the project with passion and commitment knowing that whatever happens will be beneficial.  Feel your efforts will be of service to a greater good.

This sounds totally crazy until we understand the physics behind the suggestion.  We’ve known for a very long time about the principle in the physical world, that any action produces an equal and opposite reaction.  To move an object in one direction we must create an equal force or thrust in the opposite direction.  This is Newton’s third law of motion.

But something we didn’t realize is that an intention to exert your will, your influence over something or someone else, pushing for a result creates resistance to your exertion of will or influence.  The minute you do something because you “want” it, that you must have, there will be resistance to your getting it.  This doesn’t mean you won’t get what you want.  It simply means you will need to work a lot harder to get it than you need to.  And there is another nasty little principle at work here.  Sometimes when you find you had to work incredibly hard to get something, you will realize in the end that it wasn’t in your best interest to get it.

Let me give you an example.  When I was in the life insurance business, a career for which I was not well suited, it was almost never easy for me to reach my desired levels of sales success. Sometimes when I really wanted to secure a prime new client, I found uniformly, the harder I had to work to secure their business, the more problems this client or their business circumstances created for me.  Virtually every time I expended monumental effort to get their business, I soon regretted it.

I would now counsel every client to set their intention for their desired outcome, make absolutely certain my client’s interest in this outcome is for the very best and highest good for all parties, and that my client is happy with whatever outcome results.  (Read this statement several times!)  In other words, let the solution come to you.

Yes, we should always make our best effort to present all the legitimate benefits of our position, as well as happily and honestly presenting all costs and downside potentials.  This assures we are being totally fair to everyone’s interests.

Keep visualizing the best outcome, that everyone is happy with the result, that the happiness simply grows over time and everyone benefits.  Win, Win!

This is a long explanation, and that is because this is the most important and powerful aspect for manifesting creativity that has ever been discovered.

I would never claim that we can’t be successful by ignoring or being unaware of these principles.  Obviously, millions of people get along quite nicely in complete ignorance of these principles. I am saying that MOST successful people you meet or observe naturally behave with this win-win attitude.

Why not try using these ideas in circumstances that are enjoyable, low pressure, and carry “ low stakes” outcomes.  I learned the hard way how beneficial this is.  I hope it can be easier for you.

Building strong Self-awareness will automatically develops these abilities, bringing you far greater success and happiness.  That is my wish for all of us.

Tom Searcy, BCC

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