And so we will.  Health, Affluence and Happiness are within your grasp.  That’s quite a mouthful, because good health, affluence and genuine happiness are very elusive right now.  In this short article we will remind you how quickly and easily this can happen.  OK, it isn’t easy, but once you get it, it can happen very quickly for you.

We can’t begin to count the leading experts in the fields of medicine, psychiatry, psychology, consulting, and coaching who remind us how to claim the most coveted successes in life.  Here’s a summary of their collective wisdom.

To grab the gold ring of success, we want (need) to be at the very center of our creativity, our mastery and our genius, regardless of whether we are in a strategic planning meeting at work, or helping our child plan their freshman college curriculum at home.  We are automatically transported to our center when we create that feeling of  self-confidence, enthusiasm, collaboration, and kindheartedness, filled with patience, and optimism.  We hold a genuine level of loyalty and commitment for everyone in our group.

In addition, our mindset is one of total non-judgment, holding no sense of failure, no grasping or forcing, manipulation or chiding.

When we are there, connected to an unstoppable powerful energy, any undertaking feels like it’s moving ahead with irresistible momentum.

How do we get into that place, our authentic core of creativity and expression?  

  • Recognize that high accomplishment and great outcomes are what we deserve.
  • We must practice locating and activating those uniformly positive feelings within us. 
  • Along with locating  and activating our positive emotions, we must let go of all those  negative thoughts and attitudes that block our positive intentions and momentum.

The more frequently we can remain in our dynamic creative center, the more we will attract the good in our lives that we seek.  The miraculous fact about this process is we actually attract that “gold ring” to us rather than chasing after it.  This is the way of it.  As soon as we learn to let go of all we are hanging onto, abundance opens to us.

That is what our coaching is all about.  Our online course can place you exactly where you want to be.  Click <HERE> to enroll in 5 Steps to Elevating Your Career and Professional Success.

Tom Searcy, Board Certified Coach

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