When I was a young adult about to begin my career, I heard and read with some frequency truly wise women and men proclaiming that the key to happiness and a truly deep fulfillment was to “know yourself”. I was intrigued by the concept but didn’t really understand what that meant. Only several decades later did I begin to grasp what these great people were talking about. I finally realized that the reason I was confused about the deeper meaning of that comment was because I hardly knew myself much at all. You could accurately say I was clueless.

Upon finishing college I entered the insurance business. My father had been very successful in the business and would guide me; I was smart, and I was confident. I learned very quickly the fundamentals and technicalities of the business. And right there was where my smarts and capability stopped. I discovered I had none of the “type of smarts I needed”, and my father couldn’t help me because he, himself, didn’t have this critical knowledge. My confidence collapsed.

What I desperately needed to know was not so much the technical parts of the business. I needed to know about the people themselves…my potential customers. I needed to know about their beliefs, their hopes and dreams, their fears and what they loved in life and how my products and services could fulfill those needs. Yet I was totally ignorant of this critically needed knowledge. The skill I most needed to have I essentially lacked.

Recently I was talking with a prospective client who displays an exceptional level of self-awareness, even while he claims to be significantly lacking in those abilities. Studies highlight this seeming conundrum in that most often, highly self-aware individuals accurately recognize their weaknesses as well as their strengths, while individuals lacking self-awareness don’t have the capability to clearly recognize either their strengths or weaknesses.

This is an example of the Dunning-Kruger effect, a study which confirms that experts tend to underestimate their abilities, while unskilled individuals routinely overestimate theirs.

As our self-awareness grows, our discoveries about ourselves become more profound, and provide the basis for even greater, more rapid emotional and intellectual development. We routinely state that “A Single Discovery Can Make All the Difference for A Person”. We see this more clearly with every client. Self-development can advance with blazing speed. It is a shame so many people are reluctant to take a hard look within. They would discover hidden magnificence within leading to profound transformation to a higher, better life.

When we develop deeper self-awareness, our self-esteem virtually always increases as we more clearly recognize our gifts and the splendor that all humans share at our core. Our relationships improve simply because we can see the positive traits in others more clearly and look upon them with more compassion.

We are more satisfied personally, enjoy better, more enriching careers, are more secure financially and are more influential in our groups. We make better decisions and are better communicators. And perhaps best of all, self-aware people enjoy greater peace of mind.

Our online course is a perfect way to get started. This course if effective, affordable and surprising in its effectiveness.

Call us!

Tom Searcy, BCC
Spirit of Eagles

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