It is an oft repeated theme…change is uncomfortable, and massive change is incredibly difficult for we humans. It causes all sorts of stress, anxiety and anger resulting in unpredictable behaviors throughout society.

For the last two decades we’ve seen an unpleasant restructuring of incomes and the disappearance of financial safety nets for much of our population. Reports of employee satisfaction and engagement with their employers has reached all time lows, where 8 out of 10 employees say they dislike their supervisors, and that their employers do nothing to earn their loyalty.

The COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 might have slowed the world-wide economic growth, but it increased the rate of change in employee behavior dramatically. Since April of 2021, over 11 million people in the United States have voluntarily quit their jobs (that means 7% of the workforce simply quit their job in a 3-month period). This was a total shock, because historically, financial uncertainty has caused people to hang onto the jobs they have. A new Gallup analysis finds that 48% of America’s working population are actively job searching.

Nothing like this has ever happened before in the entire history of the United States. What is going on? Surveys suggest that the pandemic allowed workers to pause and gain some perspective on their lives. They didn’t like what they saw:

  • For some the torture and time spent commuting to their job was no longer worth it.
  • The pleasure of working from home made the idea of going back to work seem awful for others.
  • For others, they were unwilling to give up the pleasure of more time with family.
  • Many realized they simply didn’t like their jobs and weren’t valued at work. During the pandemic, they were forced to come in when their bosses wouldn’t risk it. (This shows how often-times, top brass care very little about others.

For decades the best CEO’s, consultants and coaches have been telling company leaders if they put their employees first their employees would take care of their customers and companies. They have been alerting companies that their employees expect more:

  • Fairness in pay and their treatment
  • Help from their employers in gaining mastery at their jobs
  • Autonomy in their job once they gain mastery.
  • Meaningful work that inspires and gives them a feeling of purpose.

Many CEOs ignored that advice while overworking and underpaying their employees, taking them for granted while raising their own pay by millions of dollars.

While it is still early in the post-pandemic environment, and maybe work trends will revert to pre-pandemic norms, it seems more likely that these worker attitudes are becoming ingrained. Along with lower US birth rates and decreased immigration, it very likely will mean that only those employers who genuinely care about their employees and take care of their needs and their dreams will thrive.

Employers who are building positive cultures for their employees, for their customers, their vendors, and their stakeholders, are creating highly successful, thriving organizations, overcoming the challenges that are derailing so many less forward-thinking organizations today.

Our online course, 5 STEPS TO ELEVATE YOUR CAREER AND PROFESSIONAL SUCCESS, can make a big difference in your future. (By the way, this course can be taught in small groups, in person or on ZOOM to great positive effect.)

To sign up for the course, click HERE. If you have additional questions, call us at 574-850-9912. A single discovery can change everything for you.

Tom Searcy, Board Certified Coach

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