Hello friends, I’m Tom Searcy. I’ve thought long and hard about creating this blog. The experience I shared in the accompanying recording, the effective coaching I recommended for my friend with his son is something I couldn’t have done 25 years ago. In fact, I would have been that dad complaining and arguing with my son about his behaviors. Mine is a rewarding journey from emotional ignorance to something approaching true bliss today.

I want to tell you about my wonderful life from childhood, thru high school and college, and my stark realization at graduation that I was still very ill-prepared for adulthood and its countless challenges. I’ll share my three-decade struggle with self-doubt, my sense of inadequacy and importantly, my search for answers, for tools to uncover the capable, talented, exceptional human being that deep down I believed I was.

Somewhere in my forties, I began discovering resources that helped me along my journey toward growing success, a strong sense of self-worth and a genuine happiness that now characterize my feelings much of the time, and that continue to grow every day.

I know I’m not unusual in harboring fears and self-doubt and the troubling behaviors that can result. Research proves virtually all of us struggle with it to some degree. The feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy that I felt 25 years ago permeate our society today. I have coached many people who discovered a reservoir of talent far greater than they realized. With that realization they blossomed – we all can.

Today widespread anger, frustration, bias and prejudice are major causes of our economic and societal distress.
Answers to this distress are now available and effective. I know, because I found them for me. That is why I’m undertaking this series of articles in this blog. Weekly I’ll report on tools, methods and protocols that have transformed thousands of folks in escaping their problems and limitations. I’ll share their successes, too.

Let me close this introductory message with a quote from Mahatma Gandhi. The difference between what we do, and what we a capable of doing would serve to solve most of the problems in the world. The potential for us is huge.

If you are reading this article, it shows you might be interested in living a more vibrant and satisfying life as well. Please join me as I post these short summaries and accompanying articles.

Best Regards,
Tom Searcy

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