As explained in our previous article COVID-19 is a serious bug that focuses primarily on the elderly, especially those with weakened immune systems. Regardless of our age or health concerns, here are a couple of very simple steps you can take to help further improve your immune system ward off COVID-19 or any other unpleasant bug.

We have already discussed how eliminating disturbing thoughts and feelings, and instead focusing on gratitude and appreciation has a significant positive effect on your immune function.

Here is another nugget about positive thinking: One minute of expressed anger can weaken your immune system for up to 4 hours. One minute of laughter (or an inspirational story or conversation) can boost your immune system for 24 hours.

Here is another great boost to your general health. Drink 6 – 8 glasses of clean, filtered water every day. (about 60-80 oz). As soon as you get up in the morning, drink 8-10 oz. Then, a half hour before each meal drink a glass of water and also drink a glass with each meal. This will leave you well-hydrated. It is possible to drink too much water, but this is extremely rare. Most of us are dehydrated much of the time. You can check with your doctor, especially if you have other health issues.

Our body is 60% water, while our heart, lung and brain hold even higher percentages of water. With the impurity of much of our drinking water, plus our intake of alcohol, soda pop, coffee, prescription drugs, eating junk food, and ingesting chemicals all day long, the water in our cells often looks like sludge. Our organs, digestive system and circulating blood supply comprise our immune system. Insufficient and poor-quality water makes us more susceptible to disease. Inactivity makes the problem worse.

And taking adequate vitamins, especially B vitamins, C, D and E, helps keep your body strong.

I’ll be writing several more of these articles in the coming days. Nutrition and health experts confirm these suggestions are inexpensive and highly effective in boosting your overall health. Now is a perfect time for more health consciousness.

Tom Searcy, BCC

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