There is plenty to be concerned about right now, in this time in our history.  You know I write consistently of the benefits derived from growing your self-awareness.  Now is the time to take this seriously.  In the coming decades, those with high self-awareness are going to be big winners in fully transformed society and economy. 

Each of us has the innate ability to climb to the top of the heap, to muster the creativity, the confidence and the effectiveness to take control of our future. +Far too few will take the action required to leap ahead.

We’re not quite sure why this is.  Are we too complacent?  Do we feel blocked in our efforts to get ahead?  Are we simply defeated, afraid of an uncertain future?   Whatever is holding us back, the opportunities to get ahead have never been better.

Aren’t there countless examples of ordinary people doing seeming extraordinary things.  As just one example, a disruptive, unmotivated manager simply “made a decision” one day to step up to top personal performance.  He had no support or encouragement, no coaching or mentoring…he just made a decision to be excellent.  He borrowed to the hilt to purchase a failing business, hired terrific people, trained them and motivated them.  Thirteen years later he had grown this company into what INC. Magazine called, “The most competitive small company in the United States”.  

So many narratives confirm that each of us has the inner resources to transform our lives.  Perhaps Henry Ford said it best, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.”

Rapid, massive change, such as we have had in the last three decades, demands a flexible, creative approach for successfully navigating this uncharted territory.  Excellent problem-solving and decision-making abilities are essential.  Great collaboration and strong relationships among colleagues and family members smooth tremendously the challenges that change always brings.  Solid self-confidence is a must. These are the skills and abilities people with strong self-awareness regularly display, and normally have in abundance to apply to any challenge, large or small.

When we have robust self-awareness, we can more easily and successfully meet any challenge, large or small.  The changes and tests we face now are sure to continue in the coming decades.  Those with powerful emotional skills will consistently surmount roadblocks.  They will witness a future filled with opportunity and potential.

We all know people who seem naturally gifted and creative leaders, communicators,

Our online course, 4 Steps to Freedom, Happiness, Confidence and Self-discovery can give you an important head start for an empowering future.  Sign up today by clicking HERE.  Feel free to call with any questions about the course or self-awareness coaching.  A single discovery can change everything for you.

Tom Searcy, BCC

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