As we begin part 2 of our current blog about self-awareness and emotional intelligence, you might want do a quick review of our first blog about this topic that we posted last week which you can read by clicking here.

A discussion of emotional intelligence covers more than self-awareness. A focus on improving our behavior (self-regulation) or improved social engagement will clearly enhance our self-awareness. As we consciously engage in a deliberate process to develop more emotional intelligence, breaking down different aspects of EQ is important for us as we learn, practice and gain competence.

Once we have developed a high level of competence in being emotionally intelligent, then the parts of EQ disappear and merge into the whole.

Being self-aware means we have a solid understanding of our beliefs, perceptions, habits assumptions and expectations. At our deepest core we tend to engage our values and principles which merge with these beliefs and perceptions. And this isn’t just an intellectual understanding, but a full realization of how all of our traits merge physically, emotionally and spiritually, as well as intellectually. Together these purposefully and successfully guide our thoughts, emotions, words and behaviors in life. Along with our talents, experience and knowledge, all of this helps us maximize the effectiveness with which we pursue our daily lives.

With this understanding, to a great extent we know and act in alignment with our best interests. This further helps align us with the best interest of others. We find our behaviors most often match our greatest good. Conflict diminishes while success and satisfaction expand. With all of this, stress naturally fades away because we are living with a high degree of authenticity.

Is this high quality way of living life exceptional self-awareness or exceptional emotional intelligence? Is it both? What matters most for us, our families and the world is that we live in the energy of this excellence, regardless of what we name it. If each of us could lift our consciousness just a few points, to paraphrase Dr. Seuss, “Oh, the places we will go and the wonders we will see.”

The universe conspires to support our growth and success. Take advantage of it.


Frustration and Stress can be a distant memory.  Live with confidence, optimism and peace of mind.  Click HERE to learn how.

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