Listening to  reports from around the globe, I am shocked at the current situation.

  • Millions of Americans are in deep financial trouble after missing only two paychecks. The “economic miracle” of the last few years boasted by government leaders is not all that.
  • The unprecedented steps the government has taken to ease the pain with a $2 trillion stimulus have been judged inadequate by economists and business leaders. This is a sign that things might get worse for a time, but expect more economic stimulus to arrive soon.
  • The economic decline has been faster and deeper than what happened in 2008 to 2010 both here and abroad. Countries are trying to take advantage of every trade imbalance they have with trading partners, making the international economic environment more chaotic and unstable.
  • Scientists and doctors around the world are deeply alarmed and rebelling at the lack of governmental intervention to slow the introduction of 5G technology, a serious danger to human health according to thousands of medical and science professionals.  Some experts even see a potential connection in spreading 5G technology to the COVID-19 crisis.  We are likely to see much more about this in the coming months.

The point of writing about these struggles is twofold.  First, we must continue to join together in  cooperative spirit (it is a real bright spot as so many  already have taken steps to reach out to others in need), to help family, friends and the general community in getting through this crisis successfully.  The experience of this watershed moment and its aftermath will challenge us as a nation and as a world for some time to come.  It will be so much better and easier as we join in support of one another.

Secondly, we are hearing frequently now that life as we know it is gone.  What we learn about ourselves and about the mistakes we have been making in our caring for the planet and each other will be staggering.

In such a major transformation, there always appear tremendous economic, technological and social opportunities.  Look to the aftermath of World War II and the explosive growth in the U.S. economy from our taking full advantage those opportunities at that time.  In less than 20 years we enjoyed full employment, completely paying off the massive war debt, and educating tens of millions of war vets and baby boomers.  We see the same opportunities ahead, many undefinable yet.

Those of us with the greatest creativity, abilities in decision-making and problem-solving, who are most influential and best at building strong relationships will lead us in this reformation.  I like the quote, “In times of massive change, innovators inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully positioned to deal with a world that no longer exists.”

By the way, we wrote one of our best articles on creativity.  click hereto access that article in our blog archives.  I think you’ll benefit from it significantly.

We continue to encourage you to work in developing high self-awareness.   The research is so compelling that people with those self-aware attributes live such successful, fulfilling lives.  Highly self-aware people are exactly the ones who will lead us to a new reality, a new prosperity, and are the ones who will most benefit from it.

Tom Searcy, BCC

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