We hear all the time that having a positive attitude is “better” than a negative attitude.  Whether we get the message from our religious affiliations, schools, self-help resources or therapists, this message often comes across as “you should” express these positive attributes.  I’m not sure that these admonitions accomplish much without our having a better understanding of what the consequences of negativity are and learning exactly how to shift our mood from negative to positive.

This topic seems even more important in the holiday season as stress levels often soar this time of year.

In the last thirty years, science has proven that negative thoughts instantly weaken us physically by up to 50%, and the release of detrimental hormones that negative emotions produce can stay in the body for hours.  Our physical strength takes a hit, as does our creativity, our mood and our immune system.  (Yes, anger or fear can  produce a burst of adrenaline that temporarily increases strength, but at the expense of thinking skills, digestion, immune function and elevated levels of nervous agitation.)

Positive thoughts, emotions and feelings create so much good for us.  Physical processes including the brain, organ and immune function increase, emotions all relax and normalize while creativity, cooperation, endurance, understanding, complex thinking skills and the sense of personal well-being all skyrocket.

(Click HERE for a list of positive and negative feeling/thoughts to give you a broader understanding of the issues involved.)

Even if you can look at the list of benefits received from positive thinking, and detrimental effects of negative thinking, the question remains, “What can we do about it?”  The short answer is, PLENTY!

I’ll list only a few of the most effective methods of staying in the center of your own positive feelings.  Employing each of these always requires practice and patience so keep the list with you, referring to it frequently.

  1.  Prepare!  There are many times when you know in advance a stressful situation is developing or about to take place.  Plan the emotional stance you will  take.  Remember other times you let stressful encounters roll off your back. 
  2. Avoid!  Whenever possible, avoid stressful negative encounters. 
  3. Breathe and Relax!  This is highly effective.  During a stressful, highly charged emotional situation, breathe deeply and with every breath out, relax every part of your body, especially abdomen and shoulders.  Just absorb the energy of the situation and let it be what it is.  Don’t tense up.
  4. Stay out of Judgment!  Realize others may be out of control and aren’t able to restrain their behavior.  What would you think about them if they were flailing around this way because they were drowning? (In a way they might be, emotionally if not physically)

These methods can be effectively utilized in combination.  You may not be great at employing these methods effectively at first, but most people can learn these techniques over time.

Blessings on you and your families as you celebrate this Christmas season and the 2020 New Year!

Tom Searcy
Board Certified Coach
Spirit of Eagles