I talk frequently about characteristics of both high self-awareness and the lack of it.  Most of my articles not only speak to the critical need for high self-awareness, but also tips about developing those traits.

In this article I’d like to touch on the Two Secrets essential to developing your highest self-awareness and greatest success, as well as how they help eliminate or minimize the relationship and career disasters that are all-to-common in life.

Actually, these concepts aren’t secrets at all, but since they seem so counter-intuitive to the vast majority of people, even after fifty years of success, they remain almost entirely unknown.

Both concepts are easy enough to learn, yet have two drawbacks:

  1. Many find it hard to believe that they need this help or that it would be effective.
  2. Applying these new discoveries involve working with unfamiliar  developmental tools to integrate them into our behaviors.

The encouraging part of all this is that much of what is in our unconscious is very positive, and working to enhance and discover latent skills can be absolutely exhilarating.  Since so many can’t see the benefits of highly developed self-awareness, those who do have a terrific advantage in their careers and relationships as they step into a whole new exciting life.

Making the commitment to uproot buried traumas and blocks, then releasing them will feel like removing a thousand-pound weight from your shoulders.  The relief can be overwhelming.

I’m not saying we can’t be successful in life without growing our self-awareness.  Yet research does show the greater our self-awareness the greater our chances of reaching our highest potential, while avoiding many of life’s most frustrating disappointments. This is a “really big deal” in light of the high levels of anxiety, anger, frustration and depression in society today.

Let’s take a look at our two “secret solutions” to the blocks to our greater success and happiness.

  • When setting meaningful goals it is essential the outcome you set be meaningful to you and congruent with your values, and of who and what you want to be.  And you want to work toward the success of your goal  as diligently as possible.  You want to apply all your abilities and resources to the ideal outcome you envision.  You expect your outcome to be satisfying and successful.

Here we apply our counter-intuitive secret…We totally let go of needing, wanting or demanding the specific or particular outcome we envisioned.  We “enjoy the journey, finding inspiration from the effort”.  We remain alert for the possible signs that a different and maybe better result is developing.  If we have done our very best to create a good result, then we are satisfied regardless of the outcome.

Some will see the wisdom of applying this tool to every effort they make, but most will require further explanation and perhaps a lot of convincing.  We’re not saying you can’t be successful by taking a driving, forcing, pushing, demanding approach to reaching your goals.  We are saying that this approach will almost always create delays and produce less satisfying results.

  • This second secret is primarily applied to eliminating the blocks and frustrations, large and small, in our lives.  All of us have experiences or encounter situations that either in  tiny way or deep explosive ways bother us.  We could become annoyed, angered, frustrated, or enraged.  It could cause resentment, jealousy, grief or disappointment.  You get the idea.  Many of these negative reactions are compulsive triggered behaviors that affect us time and again.  From the smallest annoyance to the most irrational outburst, we don’t know where they come from or how to eliminate these behaviors.

Here we apply our second secret, equally counter-intuitive and confusing…When these outbursts occur (and becoming aware of them as they are happening takes much practice) we want to relax into and welcome these outbursts.  We don’t react with anger, resentment, etc.  That creates greater resistance and keeps the feeling going.  We find where the “emotion or feeling” is in our body, focus on it, welcome it, let it be as uncomfortable as it wants, and let it hang around as long as it wants.  Eventually it will melt away.

This brief explanation is inadequate to any real understanding, but lets you know there is a solution.  I could give countless examples where this has helped me in the last 12 years I’ve applied it, and equally powerful examples where it has helped my friends and clients.

A physician specializing in pain management discovered this tool in the 1970.  He used this protocol instead of referring his clients for surgery which had proved ineffective in most cases.  Of his clients who worked with him in this protocol, 90% had complete or almost complete resolution of their pain, pain which in many cases had been a problem for more that two decades.

Another psychiatrist used this same protocol with amazing results with over ten thousand patients over 30 years. He found it equally effective in eliminating emotional wounds and blocks as well as physical pain and chronic medical conditions.

There is more to gaining strong self-awareness than the tools I’ve just described.  These are two that can help super-charge the entire process of breaking down the blocks that are most destructive to success, while helping to improve existing strengths to take you further toward peak performance.

I would encourage you to contact us regarding the use of these tools in building the life you’ve always dreamed of.  Once you have gained the expert use of these tools, there is virtually no limit to their usefulness in resolving roadblocks to a fulfilling life.

Tom Searcy, BCC

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