Believe me, Diane and I have thought long and hard about that question.  Are we being arrogant to suggest we offer support in revealing your “True Self”?  What do we know that can bring to life the “Whole Person” within you?  How can we even know that potential clients can benefit from this work?  We assure you that neither of us feels we are enlightened mystics by any stretch of the imagination.  For as long as either of us can remember we have been unloading personal and marital baggage and continue to have revelations bringing encouragement about our growth, and consternation about our obvious lessons remaining.

Even with this lengthy disclaimer, we can be pretty certain about the truth of several principles of our work. Coming across truly happy, deeply satisfied people is a rare occurrence .  If you aren’t happy 95% of the time, you have much to gain from this discovery process.   Feelings of deep sadness, anger, frustration, jealousy or resentment routinely show up when our lives are significantly out of balance.   They often indicate a significant lack of self-understanding that creates unnecessary roadblocks to living a joyful life.

It is most important we accept that uncovering the real, authentic YOU is a life long journey.  Along with effective tools we have developed for this work, the one essential is your limitless determination. Your commitment to your own sense of peace is what will carry you forward.  Personally I have unearthed precious aspects my true nature over my thirty year spiritual quest, yet the most important of these came to light only within the last several years.  I’d be lost without my resolve to “never give up”.  

Whether you seek clarification during a confusing point in your life, or you are looking for a totally new direction in your life, going deep into your inner core reveals treasures when you are brave enough to venture in.  We can’t do anything for you, but we are able to do much through you.  All of this discovery is self-discovery.  We have successfully supported numerous clients in this effort.  We can express this level of confidence with you, because we have seen this process work for others and ourselves.

Consider what new opportunities might await you.  We offer a complimentary introductory session allowing you to put your toe in the water.  Please think of this as a huge step forward for your happiness and peace.



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