Most of us have goals in life, even if many of those goals are unspoken. A successful career, good relationships, a healthy family, financial security. The one thing we can all agree on is “We all want to be happy”.

In recent surveys only 14% of Americans respond that they are “very happy”. Tens of millions of our friends, neighbors and family members are on anti-anxiety and anti-depressant drugs as well as high blood pressure and diabetic medications. Over 50% of our workforce during the COVID pandemic said they were planning to quit or change jobs within six months, and 65 million members of our workforce did just that. 40 million Americans live in poverty. And you need only glance at political turmoil to note the anger and frustration in this country.

If we all want to be happy, why is happiness so elusive? What are we doing wrong? What are we missing?

Our happiness starts being programmed out of us at a very young age. Most often it’s inadvertent – no one’s fault really – but distressed parents make for distressed children. Parents, siblings, friends, teachers, and society (the media) all express their anger, guilt, frustrations, prejudices, resentments publicly and privately…and our children soak it up like a sponge. And they react!

Good news! In the last three decades enormous strides have been made in helping people understand how to grow beyond these limitations, and more discoveries are coming. Powerful and effective Interventions to short-circuit our problems – medical, psychological and spiritual -are gaining acceptance and are showing results.

What this promises is far better, easier and happier lives for the great majority of us. I’m living proof of the success of these breakthroughs, and I’m certain what I’ll be sharing with you can help you too. These new tools are for the most part easy to understand and assimilate. Integrating these tools will change your every-day behaviors for the better. You will gradually discover you are a happier, healthier, more successful and affluent person. You will find yourself living with positive intention…what a gift.

With next week’s blog video and article I’ll present the first step toward higher self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and a much happier and more productive life. I’m just getting started. The best is yet to come.

Thank you,

Tom Searcy

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