After writing for over a decade about the importance that developing self-awareness has in every phase of our life…in business, personally, with our health, it is clear few grasp this truth.  Some have no concept of what it means; some recognize its benefits yet don’t believe they can acquire needed skills.  A few are strongly self-aware and are understandably pretty happy with their level of skills.  Who can blame them?

In this article I’ll name a few of the benefits of possessing high self-awareness, give an example or two of self-aware behaviors, and clarify how we go about becoming self-awareness.

Strongly held values, one of the most important skills associated with people having high self-awareness, are important because they guide our behaviors and provide us strong boundaries.  We better realize why we act as we do and as a result, help us avoid wasting time and effort in how we live our life.  With strong boundaries, we better realize what is ours to do, and what we would better leave alone.  We tend to avoid drama, judgmentalism and negative thinking. 

All these benefits lead to a happier, healthier, more productive us.  Think how satisfying it is to develop strong relationships and be of greater influence within our communities.

One of the most self-aware people I’ve known was my choir director in high school.  He was very much a mentor and a father figure to me.  Besides being incredibly talented himself, he had a mindset of quality that shown like the sun.  He knew only excellence and simply behaved as if excellence was the only reality.  He gave us every opportunity to maximize our abilities, and we took to it without realizing we were working hard and performing at exceptional levels. 

He showed everyone a level of respect, even when upset at our immature behaviors, always possessing a sense of humor that made his discipline helpful and positive.  He made a permanent positive impact on virtually every student in more than thirty years or teaching.

His behavior was always principled and one of integrity.  Best of all, he was an exceptionally happy man, at total peace within himself.

I don’t know if he ever had instruction in developing and prioritizing values, but I now see they were at the core of all he did, what he thought about and who he was.  It is obvious to me that his values led him to an exceptionally successful life.  It was clear that he loved what he did and loved all those whom he inspired.  Every person I’ve known from those years felt knowing “Pop” Gowdy was a profound gift.

Yes, having high self-awareness is so helpful in advancing us along our path in life, and most important it brings with it deep levels of satisfaction and joy.  What more could you want?!

We can all improve.  Our online course, 5 Steps to Elevate Your Career, Professional and Personal Success can be a huge step forward.  Click <here> to enroll, or contact us for more information.  One Single Discovery can make all the difference for you.

Tom Searcy, Board Certified Coach


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